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What You Need To Know About Both False Positives & False Negatives

What You Need To Know About Both False Positives & False Negatives

Having the right kind of cyber security in place is intrinsic to the success of any IT platform but it is also important to be able to distinguish between the difference of false positives and false negatives with regard to information security. No business can afford to be wasting time looking into false positives because not only does it cost time but it also costs money and essential resources as well.

It also takes your IT team away from things they should be concentrating on like creating a more secure IT platform and coming up with numerous business applications. Ironically, if you miss these same false negatives then this actually increases your overall cyber security risk and it also affects your ability to be able to react to unscrupulous people who are attacking your system.

When it comes to false positives in cyber security, most IT security teams tend to ignore these same false positives and this leads to a knock-on effect when it comes to your overall alertness when it comes to your IT platform. If your staff continues to ignore false positives and they don’t investigate them at all then it can lead to missing very important security alerts that may affect and compromise your whole system.

Then there are the false negatives to deal with and these are cyber threats that are much more advanced and can find their way around even the best antivirus and firewalls put into place.

Everything is about strengthening your overall cyber security and the following are just some things that you need to know when it comes to being proactive, reactive and putting preventative procedures into place.

This is something that you shouldn’t delay on and so make sure that you protect one of your most valuable assets which is your IT platform and structures. Put the necessary technology into place so that you can find and respond to issues as they come up and this will help to prevent IT data breaches that could cause you to have to close down your business for the day or longer.

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